Hello All …. Before going deep into the review of Agniputr by B. Sai Chandravadhan, I would like to congratulate the Author for his efforts. Every Literary work is unique in itself and the review given below is an honest result of my understanding and must not be taken otherwise.
Let’s quickly go through the ratings
- Title : 4/5
- Cover : 4/5
- Blurb : 5/5
- Plot : 4.5/5
- Language Used : 4/5
- Presentation : 4.5/5
- Overall : 4.3/5
About the Book : A journey to once self conscience and leaving the reader spell bound, Agniputr not only justifies the Author’s efforts but also creates a compelling charm on the reader which leaves the reader craving for more at the end of the story. Taking mythology side by side with logic & science, the story revolves around a globule of uncontrollable & unfathomable energy called “Sutram” which is the result of dark practices by a necromancer back in 1940s using the Surya King as a bait at that time. While Sutram is an uncontrollable dark energy capable of grasping the whole planet in its darkness, it must be stopped and such an effort was made by the last Surya King which though didn’t shut this thing down but somehow contained it within the memorial hall. Sutram can only be destroyed using Agniputr by the only Surya blood left, Raghuram Surya. Unaware of his ancestral efforts to destroy Sutram he comes to know about it when he receives an order of requisition for his ancestral castle from Govt of India. Home Minister Govind Kiromal who sent orders for requisition knows the power of Sutram and hopes to harness it and become the most powerful person on earth. Backed by the necromancer who created it he puts all his efforts to get hold of the Sutram before Agniputr destroys it. Shiela a quantam physicist who has been working for Govt realizes Govind’s evil plans and decides to help Raghuram Surya. What would happen when Sutram will set itself free to feed on the planet? How will Raguram destroy this beast? What if Govind harnesses the evil’s powers? All these questions have an answer inside the book. Grab it today 🙂
About Writing : The book is full of thrill and adventure. The plot has been well crafted and detailing every situation and place by the author creates a feeling that everything is happening before the eyes of the reader. The Author seems to have a very good hold over his vocabulary and vividly describes each and every detail of the situation and people involved. The segmented approach of the novel connects with reader and leaves reader craving for more. Almost every character has been given due space and brief history of every character’s life creates deep understanding of every character on reader’s mind. The flow of the story is very good and every chapter is well connected. While reading this book what all I actually dreamed while sleeping was Sutram, Agniputr, Shiela, Raghu and P.Eshwar. The book creates a spell bounding impact on the reader and the only choice it gives to the reader is to complete it asap 🙂 I believe this story has all the qualities of becoming a big budget motion picture and I hope to see this happen soon.
Disclaimer : Once you start reading, you would not be able to put it down.
Although I liked every part of the story but something I liked the most was
- Justifying the mythology with quantum physics.
- The author has taken up the topic of “Do we deserve independence?” and the concept of “Collective Independence” have been covered in a chapter which speaks volumes about Author’s deep understanding.
Critical review :
- The word usage is bit tough which might make it difficult to understand for general and non seasoned readers.
- Few events have been detailed too much and for a short time only makes the read a bit boring and lengthy.
Despite all critical views, the words and story seem to come out from depth of Author’s heart and his effort is appreciable. I once again congratulate him and wish him luck for his future endeavors.
The book can be purchased directly from Amazon by clicking on the image below